
Cracks. (No not bum).

Here's to the photos that make me laugh and yet somehow fall into the cracks of computer files never viewed.

 We love Nickle City in Orem.
We often win jackpots.
am the one that usually wins jackpots.
Here's a ticket count.
This is the second time we went.
The first time we went we got around 1000. Picture is featured in this wonderful blog post.
The third time we went we earned....
SO. Amazing.

We may or may not be addicted.


The guy at Starbucks must really like whipped cream...

Ohhhhh. This girl is my favorite.
If I give her my phone for more than two seconds I will most likely find pictures like thus later on.

Peace for America!
Say in a wannabe Asian accent.

My father made this car for me.
I decorated it.
And I think I did a fannnnntastic job.

I love going through the car wash.
The soap has the best colors.

Sadly enough this IS my best score.

Okay so this belongs to my mother's friend's older brother.
Something along those lines.
This man. Was hunting alone. 
First problem.
Second problem.
I know hunting is good for food or whatever.
I just don't like it.
It makes me cry like a little girl.
Once. My mother killed a fly when I was like five and I screamed at her. Grabbed the fly and cried for a long time outside on the sidewalk. 
Another time when I was fourish. My mom was reheating leftovers in the microwave.
and she said: "Dang! I killed the chicken."Simply because she overheated it. 
I then realized chicken is made out of well, real chicken!
I went on a strike.
No more chicken for Sammie Jean.
I called my Grandpa and told him he could never eat chicken again. And to tell everyone he knows. Later that day my dad brought home Panda Express and well... that whole "chicken is not meant to be eaten" strike went down the drain.
But nowadays I'm all: 

Kill the fly and eat the chicken! The fly is bugging me and I'm hungry!

So he was hunting alone and shot this animal.
And so, he grabbed his camera because he wanted a picture of his wonderful face and this poor dead, used to be living, animal. He propped the camera up, and put it on auto timer.
It took the picture and he left for home.
When he got home he looked through his pictures and saw this.
He had no idea that cougar was there until after the fact, at home.

Why is it that whenever a girl gets a hold of my camera I end up with a billion pictures like this.

OR. This.
Featuring Kate.

Friends are always a good thing to have.

Can you find Bryce?

I'm not the only one who likes to cuddle!

Fatbooth at church?
Those are real Ray-Bans.
I'm so sick or people asking me that.
Every time I have to wear them to school some smarty pants asks me if those are poser glasses.

Bryce. Showing off my glasses.
Maybe he should model glasses or something.

We love Artic Circle.
Looove it!

Oh no big deal.
I just gave her that hat for her birthday.
She looks adorable in it!

First time at Nickel City.
We had about 100 more.

Me holding our tickets like a baby.
My lazy eye being awesome!

Facetiming in Honors English.
Right across from each other.

Love my other Lexi.

Bubs and I.
So a couple days ago. He told me he doesn't want to be called Bubba anymore.
I'm crushed.
He says he likes Max better.

And now to the videos.

I love war heads!
But right after the sour part I spit them out.
Because well.
After the sour part they are just plain old hard candy.

 This is the GROSSEST thing on the planet.
And I thought I wanted to live in Australia.

So I challenge you to look through your phone and or computer.
There are some great things on there!

Much love.
-Girl gagging up the Vegemite.  

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