
Hello Blog (:

So I'm writing this blog. I wouldn't say it is for fun. Probably because I don't really write in a journal or diary everyday, and maybe i can just count this. I live in Utah, a state everybody hates except for myself. I personally love Utah, and wouldn't change anything about it. This IS the place. Yes. I am a sheltered child. And i love it. I live in a great neighborhood, where there are great people, and not that much to talk about. There isn't that much excitement, unless somebody new moves in. And sometimes i have to feel bad for the newcomers, because they are bombarded with brownies and jell-Os's of all kinds. I go to a Jr. High filled with gossip and trends. I don't really enjoy school, but I like to learn. If i didn't have to learn in an environment that smelled like B.O. and old grouchy teachers, then maybe i would like going just a little bit more. One thing that i hate is math, I'm good at it, and i can understand it quickly but i personally hate it. All of my previous math teachers have expressed that you use math in your everyday life. But I find no need for it until you are a parent and have to teach your children, and they will grow up and teach their children. It is just a never-ending circle of equations and triangles. If it wasn't for the social part of school, i think i would go absolutely insane. I love those five minutes between class when you bump into a friend and talk for a few short minutes that pass way to quickly. Our school only has lunch for 25 minutes, which i think is absolutely ridiculous. If you buy a lunch at school you are usually in line for about 10-15 minutes, and then you have to shove down your food while having some sort of social life in 10 minutes. Since im talking about school i may want to do my homework.....

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