Dear mothers,
I applaud you!
On Saturday I was given three little girls under the age of seven to care for.
For four days.
Four days? You may say. That's it?
ohh. Four days is a lot. Four days is a lot with three kids, and having parenthood thrown on you. Now I understand why most people have kids usually one at a time. (Except for the occasional twins, triplets, and from there on, chaos.)
I have always thought that I am quite good with kids. I love them, and usually (not to toot my own horn) they love me. (toot toot).
But. Babysitting for a couple of hours, and actually having kids is really different.
I understand, that these kids aren't really mine, but at the moment I feel like I have the motherhood responsibilities. I also understand that four days compared to a life time is a lot different.
Now, I'm not going to go into details about the drama that has been happening around the house. Because, keep in mind that these children are girls. Girl equal way too much drama for one person to handle. So I would spend way too much time typing. I can though, give you a little taste of my experience.
The middle girl, has to wear her heels everywhere. Heaven help you if you take away her heels.
The youngest fell of the edge of the bathtub and hit her head on the toilet.
They all love junk food. But what kid doesn't?
We made cookies, they ate some of the flour, and enjoyed it. I'm not sure if I am more concerned about the flour or the junk food.
One of them asked for a banana, but with my fear and hatred of bananas I denied her, and distracted her with a more liquid fruit. Orange juice. Sheesh. I'm healthy.
They all love milk. Especially the youngest.
Poopie diapers are never fun.
Eldest children defiantly have a similar trait, they know how to work the system. And yes, being the oldest I am referring to my ability to work the system also.
The youngest fell off the chair.
A little love goes a long way.
Bed time equals rest your brain with mindless television and a quiet house for parents.
The youngest fell off of the bed.
Friends are always welcome to play, as long as they play at their house; dirty houses are hard enough, I don't need another child to add to the mess. Thanks.
The youngest hit herself in the head with a huge bead necklace.
Grandparents are an awesome way to get a little peace. I now understand why I would always go to the G-parent's house when I was wee little.
The youngest fell down the stairs.
The youngest is accident prone.
The oldest loves her mommy and reading. So when mommy records her voice reading a book, she is in pure bliss.
The middle child loves to play doctor, even though it may resemble some sort of horror film.
Crafts are time-wasters from heaven.
There is no such thing as sleeping in, when you have three children. Goodbye waking up at noon...
I have one more day.
Pray. Please.
Thank you mothers(and fathers) for everything.
You are appreciated. A lot. A lot. A lot.
Sweet dreams-