
Something that makes you pee your pants.

Honestly. This is one of the scariest things that I have ever done. It's probably in my top two. And it would be number two. My number one happened about two months ago. But that is not something I want to be talking about right now.

I can't believe I did this.
It was even scarier than the time I was flashed by my grandma. Ew.
I had my heart set on never doing this.
But being a changed person, and not being a weenie and all, I said okay.

So I went to Lagoon with my family and my dear friend Quinci.
We went on all the roller coasters. My favorite? Wicked. In the first two seconds you are going straight up, and straight down. If you keep your arms up the entire time, they have a small chance of being ripped off from the pure force of awesomeness. (No, but really, it starts to hurt...)

Quinci kept on eye-balling the skycoaster, hinting that we should go on it.
I ignored her and her outrageous ideas.
I didn't.
So we bought the ticket. And I felt like I was going throw up.

We put on our little suit things.
Went out into the field.
They hooked up us.
And then the wire pulled us up.
After about twenty feet I was done.
I was ready to pull the rope.
I wanted to fall to my death already.
But no.
It went up about ten times twenty. aka. 200.
When we were going up, I was watching a tire directly below us. I couldn't move my eyes because each time I looked around I felt as if I was going to suffocate and have my head collapse. Who knows why.
At the top a lady says: FLYERS! 3-2-1 FLY. Then you are supposed to pull the strap. Quinci was supposed to pull it. SHE WAITED A SECOND! ugh. A second hanging at 200 feet feels longer than a chemistry class period.

As soon as she pulled it we plummeted head first towards that darn tire that I was staring at! I don't remember screaming at that part... Just holding on to Quinci, and dying. That's about it. As soon as the wire caught us, it was a blast.

Best experience ever.

On a side note, here are some things I learned this week:

1. Dr. Pepper Ten is a choice drink from heaven.
2. Scary movies = nightmare. Scary movies + cute boy = dream come true.
3. My room is messier than a head full of dreadlocks.
4. Beyonce is my girl. So is Taylor Swift.
5. Seminary teachers have the best stories.
6. Other people realize I am the epitome of an appalling singer.
7. Darla is the best car. Ever.
8. Every girl goes through a "bad boy" phase. Boo.

I'm waving goodbye-

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